How Long Should You Run Water Through a New PUR Filter?

A new PUR water filter must be flushed properly to eliminate pollutants from your water. The time to run water through a new PUR filter depends on the filter. This article will explain how long it takes to run water through the faucet, dispenser, refrigerator, and pitcher PUR filters. These steps will flush and optimize your new PUR filter.

Faucet Filters:

Pre-soaking a new faucet filter in clean water for 15 minutes is advised. This will remove filter contaminants and carbon residues. After installation, run water through the filter for 5–35 minutes until it clears. Running water for 10 minutes may cleanse carbon leftovers from a pre-soaked filter.

Dispenser Filters:

Before installing dispenser filters, immerse them in clean water for 15 minutes. After installation, run water through the filter for 5–10 minutes until it is clear. This will remove filter contaminants and carbon residues.

Refrigerator Filters:

Refrigerator filters send water to the ice machine and dispenser, unlike other filters. Use colorless ice cubes after installing a new refrigerator filter. This will remove filter contaminants and carbon residues. For clear water, discard the first two groups of ice cubes.

Pitcher Filters:

Pitcher filters are the smallest PUR filters and filter water when put into the pitcher. Pour a gallon of water into a new pitcher filter and remove it for disposal or DIY use. Run water through the filter for 5 minutes until clear. This will remove filter contaminants and carbon residues.

Flushing Times for Different Types of PUR Water Filters

To make sure a new faucet PUR water filter works, flush it. New faucet filters need 5–35 minutes to flush. Running water through the filter until it runs clear flushes off carbon residues and contaminants.

Pre-soaking a faucet filter before installation reduces flushing time. Immerse the new filter in clean water for 15 minutes. This saturates the filter and speeds up flushing. Dry filters flush slower than saturated ones.

Flush the new dispenser PUR water filters for 5–10 minutes. Like the faucet filter, this technique filters less water. Pre-soaking the dispenser filter before installation reduces flushing time.

New refrigerator PUR water filters flush differently. The filter supplies water to the ice maker and dispenser, so flush it until the ice cubes are clear. To wash away carbon residues and contaminants. After filter replacement, the initial pack of ice cubes may be gray or black.

Flush a new pitcher PUR water filter with 1 gallon of water. The system should be flushed until the water runs clear. It should take 5 minutes.

Importance of Proper Flushing

Flushing a new PUR water filter properly ensures optimal performance. A poorly flushed new filter might cause water flow problems, pollutants, and other concerns. This can damage the filter and threaten your health.

To ensure a new PUR filter works properly, follow the manufacturer’s flushing recommendations. The manufacturer’s instructions will specify how long it takes to flush the filter and other processes. Note that different PUR filters may require different flushes. Faucet filters may require longer flushing than pitcher filters. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations to keep your PUR filter running properly and producing clean, safe water.


Finally, flushing a new PUR water filter ensures optimal performance and safe drinking water. Flushing removes production contaminants and carbon residues.

Flush times for PUR water filters range from 5–35 minutes for faucet filters to 5–10 minutes for dispenser filters. Pre-soaking a faucet filter before installation reduces flushing time. To flush carbon leftovers from refrigerator filters, wait until ice cubes are clear. Throwing a gallon of water through a pitcher filter flushes it.

For flushing, a new PUR filter, follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and consult a professional if you have questions. Flushing a new PUR filter ensures a steady water supply at home.